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Package Options & Inclusions


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How To Rank Higher on Category Pages
Package Benefits & Inclusions PLATINUM GOLD SILVER
Priority Ranking on Category Pages
Platinum members are ranked on top of category pages, which means customers see your listing first followed by Gold and Silver members.
1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place
Multiple Category Listings
Choose up to 8 Category listings and make it easier for customers to see all the different services your business offers.
8 5 3
Display Your Logo
Your company logo and tagline will be placed at the top of the page promoting your brand along with your Membership level on display.
Choose Your Business Page Banner Ad
Customise your Business Page Banner Ads with a sliding header display and make the most of your advertising opportunities.
Personalised QR Code
Elevate your brand and make a lasting impression with this perfect add-on. It can be designed with your business's colour scheme, logo, and other distinctive design elements.
Enquiry Form
Your listing has a Send Enquiry form which makes it quick and easy for customers to send you a message via email using our built-in contact form.
Hyperlinked Website Address
All members have a hyperlinked website address so it only takes one click for your customers to arrive on your website.
“About Us” Story
A summary of your business description and details of the products and services you offer displayed on your Business Page.
List your Products & Services
Tailor your Business Page to showcase what you’re offering. Upload up to 6+ products & services with images, prices and descriptions.
6+ 3
Geotagged Gallery Images
An image speaks a thousand words, so take advantage of up to 15+ photo uploads with an assigned geographical location and represent your business visually.
15+ 8
Upload Videos
Upload 1 Video Link to your Business Page for Platinum members.
Highlight Accreditations, Awards & Brochures
Have you won a local business award or been accredited for a new skill or like to display a speciality brochure? Showcase these important items on your Business Page.
Hyperlinked Category Listings
All category listings are hyperlinked and redirect your customers to a dedicated category page where all premium members are found on top.
Promotional Feature
Short and unique introduction of your business capabilities, giving potential customers a good first impression of your business and links to your Business Page.
Promotional Benefit Checklist
A checklist of benefits showcasing your business's unique selling points against your competitors.
3 1

Say More with Banner ADs
Package Benefits & Inclusions PLATINUM GOLD SILVER
Business Page Banner Ad
These Banner Ads are placed at the top right side of your Business Page that draws the attention of your customers to inform them about your offers, products and services.
Directory Banner Ads on Category Pages
Directory Banner Ads on category pages are displayed when people search the directory. Choose from three options: a top banner, side banner, or a panel banner advert. All banners are hyperlinked to your Business Page.
Exclusive Advertising Options
Platinum members have the option to purchase additional limited advertising spaces within the directory, such as Home Page Ads, Top Banner Ads (limited to 4 per page), and Regional Area Page Advertising.
Animated Ad Options
Platinum members have the option to add animation features to bring their ads to life.

compare packages

Click on each PDF icon to view more

Billed Annually

$ 1628
Billed Annually

$ 1158
Billed Annually

$ 688
#1 Position in results

#2 Position in results

#3 Position in results

 List in up to 8 categories

 List in up to 5 categories

 List in up to 3 categories

Logo displayed on category, app and business pages

Logo displayed on category, app and business pages

Logo displayed on category, app and business pages

 Operation Hours

 Operation Hours

 Operation Hours

 Linked to your website

 Linked to your website

 Linked to your website

 Linked to your Social Media Pages

 Linked to your Social Media Pages

 Linked to your Social Media Pages

Up to 40 Keywords optimised for search

Up to 30 Keywords optimised for search

Up to 12 Keywords optimised for search

 "About Us" Business Description

 "About Us" Business Description

"About Us" Business Description

 Business Page Banner Advert

 Business Page Banner Advert

Promotional Feature for every category listed

 Top Banner Advertising on Category Page

 Side Banner Advertising on Category Pages

1 Promotional Benefit Checklist for every category listed

 6+ Featured Products & Services

 3 Featured Products & Services

 Listing Optimisation

 Up to 15 Geotagged Gallery Images

 Up to 9 Geotagged Gallery Images

 Personalised QR Codes

Promotional Feature for every category listed

Promotional Feature for every category listed

  E Brochure - print file pdf

3 Promotional Benefit Checklist for every category listed

 1 Promotional Benefit Checklist for every category listed


 Social media Promotions

 Social media Promotions


 Business Feature Blog

 Business Feature Blog


 Community Newsletter

 Community Newsletter


 Listing Optimisation

 Listing Optimisation


 Personalised QR Codes

 Personalised QR Codes


 E Brochure - print file pdf

  E Brochure - print file pdf


 1+ Video Uploads



 Exclusive Banner Display



 Full Set-Up Assistance




Let's get started

Start by entering your business name to find out if you're listed in the Kimberley Key .

Can't find your business? Sign up and become a member


Click on a question to see more details.

I have a website, why do I need a Business Page as well?

It’s hard for a website to stand out among the 1.7 billion active websites currently on the internet, let alone a single web page – but when you join forces with an online directory like, we can help drive more traffic to your business. Online directories have replaced traditional paper directories and are one of the leading ways for businesses to connect with their customers. Your Business Page acts as a member of your team, constantly building your online presence and generating leads.

What is a Business Page?

A Business Page acts as a mini-website containing all the relevant information about your business. You can add your contact details, logo, banner advert, business address, opening hours, “About Us” business description, your products and services, gallery images, videos, promotional feature and benefit checklist, and much more.

Why should I choose a Premium Membership if I can have a free listing?

Premium Listings put your business front and centre, and include exclusive display banners, multiple search categories and features such as videos, testimonials and listing optimisation. Smart business owners know that customers need constant exposure to their business before they begin to enquire, buy and recommend. Premium listings ensure your brand is seen, time and again by your target customers increasing your brand awareness and return on investment.

What's the importance of Geotagging the images?

Geotagging is to assign a geographical location to your photos so it easily shows up on that particular location and it also helps direct people to your Business Page. We geotag and add image descriptions to your photos as it’s a principle of web accessibility and increasing your rank in search engines.

How does 'Promotional Feature' help in promoting my business?

As potential customers need more concrete information to digest before they convert, this is where the ‘promotional feature’ comes in. It is written content about your business with distinction to each category listed. This written content entails a compelling introduction about your business even before they reach your business page, leaving a good first impression while keeping them engaged.