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Start Your Kalumburu Experience

Located 550 km from Kununurra and 650 km from Derby, Kalumburu is only accessible by a high-clearance four-wheel-drive vehicle that carries enough fuel, water, food, and medical supplies. Visitors can choose to drive their own vehicle or fly to Kununurra or Broome from Perth and rent a four-wheel drive from there.


For millennia, this region has been the ancestral land of two distinct Aboriginal language groups, namely the Kwini (Kuini) and Kulari. More recently, additional groups have migrated to this area.

In 1905, a Catholic mission was established in this territory by the Benedictine order, originally situated at Pago, along the coastline of Mission Bay. However, in 1932, the mission relocated to Kalumburu due to the availability of a more consistent water supply. The creation of Kalumburu Road in 1954 notably lessened the community's isolation, yet being an unsealed road, it remains susceptible to isolation during the Wet season.

During World War II, Kalumburu played a significant role. Initially known as Drysdale River Mission, it served as a host for a small army base and radar station. The RAAF operated from its airstrip in missions against the Japanese in Timor.

Unfortunately, on September 27, 1943, Japanese bombers attacked the airfield and mission, resulting in the tragic loss of six lives, including four children. Consequently, the airfield was relocated 32km northwest to the Anjo Peninsula.


Kalumburu and its surrounding areas offer excellent fishing opportunities, and visitors can bask in the natural beauty of the region at various lookouts and swimming holes. Additionally, visitors can purchase beautiful artworks made by the local Kira-Kiro-Kalumburu Artists.

Father Thomas Gil Museum

Head to the Kalumburu Mission's Father Thomas Gil Museum to explore the rich history and cultural achievements of the local Kalumburu community. The museum houses an extensive collection of artifacts and memorabilia that offer a glimpse into the area's past.

Community Resource and Visitor Centre

Some of the special historical sites, natural features and rock art are best accessed with a local guide for a fee. This can be booked and organised through the Community Resource and Visitor Centre. The community has two small but well-equipped stores with fuel available. Some accommodation and camping are available in the community, with two campgrounds also located on the coast.

Kalumburu Museum

Marvel at the ancient Gyorn Gyorn rock art (Bradshaw paintings), the oldest figurative paintings on Earth. The museum is home to a vast collection of artifacts, memorabilia, and artworks that offer a glimpse into the area's rich cultural heritage. The museum is staffed by knowledgeable guides who can provide visitors with insights into the region's history, traditions, and customs.

WWII Wreckage

Visitors can embark on a short 4WD trail to witness the remains of WWII bomber wrecks. The trail provides a glimpse into the region's wartime history and is a must-visit for history buffs. The wreckage site is a poignant reminder of the bravery and sacrifice of the servicemen who fought in the war. The trail is accessible by 4WD vehicles and is a thrilling adventure for off-road enthusiasts.

Kalumburu Strong Women's Centre

Established with funding from the WA Department of Family and Child Safety Services, this centre serves as a Domestic Violence Shelter for women and children who seek refuge from violence in their community. In addition to offering a safe and secure environment, they provide women with support services by connecting them with essential programs and services. They also conduct educational workshops and events to raise awareness about domestic violence and promote child safety.

Fun Facts

Distance from Perth: 2,860.7 km
Population: 388
Postcode: 6740
Founded: 1937

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